Cacay Naturals oil is an anti-aging 100% natural and 100% organic cold pressed with clinical studies that prove its effectiveness. It contains 50% more vitamin E and twice the amount of Linoleic Acid than Argan Oil. It also has 3 times more Retinol than Rose Hip Oil.
“Enjoy younger and healthier skin right away”
Cacay Oil comes from wild harvest Cacay trees in the Colombian Amazon.
Cacay trees grow wild along the eastern base of the Andes mountains in Colombia. These majestic trees can reach over 40 meters in height and generate very positive environmental impacts. They capture large amounts of CO2, enhance soil, and help in watershed renewal.
This Cacay oil is amazing. Doesn’t take but a few days to feel the difference. Also, after a few days fine wrinkles were softened and there was a healthy glow.
I LOVE Cacay Naturals. First and foremost it’s a very pure oil without any fillers. It’s very light to the touch and absorbs smoothly and beautifully into the skin. There’s no oily residue.
When I get out of bed in the morning my skin looks bright and feels incredibly soft. The fine lines around my eyes look diminished and my skin looks supple.